8. October 2022
Leadership Productivity Model
In a transformational situation, you don’t just have to run the business, you have to change it, which often creates a crowded agenda. I have found the ‘Leadership Productivity Model (LPM), by Dobbelstein and Geiselhardt, to be a helpful tool to see how to increase leadership productivity and identify areas of improvement in four categories:
- Goal-Orientation: a leader should continuously define clear goals, explain to the team when they change, and align their individual work process and results.
- Support: a leader should interact regularly with the team, share necessary information, provide constructive feedback and coach.
- Time optimization: a leader should organize new tasks and meetings to achieve high time optimization.
- Motivation: a leader should recognize performance, support personal and professional growth, provide meaning, offer challenging goals and enable autonomy.
Which of the cylinders is your strongest and which is your weakest? One of the areas I always see a big opportunity in is time. I usually redefine all the key management meetings when I start in a new situation. e.g. I reduce the length of meetings (from 1hr to 15/30 min), redefine frequency, reduce the number of participants, and sharpen productive agendas and accountable follow-ups.